May 30, 2014

Style catch up: May.

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I thought of including monthly style recaps as a new category on my blog because: a) I love to summarize everything; b) you may have missed some of the outfit pots so this is a great way to catch up and c) you are visiting my blog for the first time and you are now having an insight to my style. I do have to make a little disclosure though, I have never planned my blog to be focused only on my daily looks so there is no a huge number of them published. But I tend to include more in the form of common outfit posts, besides the beauty, make up and lifestyle ones.

Anyway, my style in May seems to have been balancing between the nonchalance of the distressed boyfriend jeans and the pastel colored girliness of the sheer and tulle skirts - and what do you think I have been wearing better? Click on the link under each picture to see the original post and scroll over these shopping recommendations that are similar to the style I was wearing. And let me know what is your favorite look in the comments below!


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Hope you are having a nice weekend!

To keep up with my outfits and more, follow my blog on Bloglovin', Facebook & Instagram.