February 5, 2015

Style lessons: bow tie blouses.

 Photos: Tumblr, OracleFox, My Daily Style, Thoughtful Misfit.

Just to make it clear - you will not see anything retro, girly or old-fashioned here, oh no. Because the bow tie blouse (and the the black bow tie itself) that I'm talking about today is completely revamped and turned into nothing less than a statement piece of clothing. If you don't believe me, believe Saint Laurent, Chloé or Marc Jacobs. And even if that's not too convincing, then check out just some of the recent street style and you'll get the hints.

- Little bow tie can be seen as our interpretation of the man's tie. 
- Yes, we use such a feminine detail to achieve a look that's actually men inspired.
- Key words: quality materials, slim fit, high waist, tucked in. For example, bow tie paired with button-down shirt and slim-fitting blazer equals ultimate elegance. Bow tie with high waist pencil skirt and patent leather shoes equals ultimate elegance too.
- If you think it can't get any better, it just did. If  you added a wide brim floppy hat in this equation.
- Tied up bow tie feels prim and preppy. Undone bow tie looks sexy. 

Did you include this trend into your style already - leave a comment telling me how you wore it! Or maybe you couldn't find the perfect bow tie blouse in the stores, but you did find the perfect bottom-down shirt in your closet? Well, introduce it to a tied black ribbon or a bow brooche. It will look just as good, if not better. I have found both solutions in the shopping picks below, so make sure to check them out.


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