May 31, 2015

Style catch up: May.

I have to confess that I couldn't wait to prepare and publish this recap post because that would mean May has finally come to an end. Phew. As I mentioned once before, it was quite a difficult month for me and I guess it did affect my outfits, or at least the number of outfits shared on the blog. But in case you missed them, I made sure to include the link to the original post under each outfit picture as well as the shopping recommendations that are similar to the style I was wearing. You know I always appreciate your feedback, so I would love to read your thoughts and find out what your favorite outfit is in the comment section below!

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P.S. If you have been following me on Instagram you have probably seen me sharing my excitement 
for the perfect quilted messenger bag I received thanks to If you have been looking 
for a similar and a very budget-friendly version of the coveted Chanel Boy Bag then make sure to 
check it out; as well as these two items from my wishlist:

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