October 31, 2015

Style catch up / October

"I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers". And I will just leave it like that. It is the time for the monthly outfit recap and, as always, I would love to read your thoughts on my October outfits and find out what your favorite one is in the comment section below! I made sure to include the link to the original post under each outfit picture and the shopping recommendations that are similar to the style I was wearing, so check them out if you have not already.

 //  Off duty  //

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 //  I will wait //

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 //  Grey matters  //

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//  Black x burgundy  //

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November is not my favorite month, but I will do my best and not let the lack of excitement
show in my future fashion, beauty and lifestyle posts. And if you want to keep up with
these, then follow my blog with Google Friend Connect (in the sidebar) 
or the social media channels below!

Have a nice weekend!


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